500rep leg workout

500rep leg workout


Exercise Reps Sets Rest Notes

Barbell Back Box Squats

20 Reps

5 sets

90 Seconds

You will be accumulating a lot of volume if you don't feel comfortable doing box squats, transfer to a smith machine squat or a support v squat. If you can do regular barbell squats feel free to do so at your own discretion,

Leg Press

10 Reps Regular footing + 10 Reps Close Footing


90 secs

Initial 10 reps completed in your usual shoulder width footing on the leg press followed by an immediate 10 reps at only a fist width apart. This aims to target both the outter and inner quads

Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts

15 reps + 25 Bodyweight Squats with a 2 second pause.

3 sets

60 seconds

Complete the initial 10 stiff leg deadlift reps followed immediately by 25 body weight squats with a 2 second pause at the bottom of each squat.

Lying Hamstring Curls or Seated hamstring Curls

10 reps + 10 reps + 10 reps

3 sets

45 seconds

Drop Set. Pick a weight that you won't be able to perform any more than the required reps with. Once you fail at this weight, drop the weight lighter by 10% or one pin on the machine, then repeat for another 2 x 10 reps for a total of 30 reps.

Machine Leg Extensions


3 sets

45 rest

Initial 10 reps completed in your usual shoulder width footing on the leg extension followed by an immediate 10 reps at only a fist width apart. This aims to target both the outter and inner quads

Bodweight or Weight Walking Lunges

50 Reps

1 Set


FInisher: 50 reps unbrocken as best as possible walking weighted or bodyweight lunges..