ARMageddon- Arm Workout

ARMageddon- Arm Workout

ARMageddon - Arm Workout

Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls

8-12 reps

4 sets

90 secs

First set of 12 reps pick a weight in which you think you'll fail the next rep, then as you progress through the sets increase the weight and decrease the reps.

The 4th and final set should be around 8 reps, with the most weight so you're failing around this rep range.

Close Grip Barbell Bench Press

8-12 reps

4 sets

90 secs

First set of 12 reps pick a weight in which you think you'll fail the next rep, then as you progress through the sets increase the weight and decrease the reps.

The 4th and final set should be around 8 reps, with the most weight so you're failing around this rep range.

Incline Dumbbell Curls

Super Set

Incline Dumbbell Skull Crushers

12 reps

3 sets

90 secs

Pick a weight that you can use to hit the required reps for both exercises as you aren't going to put them down until you have completed a total of 24 reps (both exercises combined). Perform each rep with a 3 second eccentric (lowering phase) to increase time under tension.

Barbell Bicep Curls

50 reps

2 sets

1 min

Pick a weight on the fixed barbells or load weight on to a barbell that you can get around 10-12 reps, try and get 50 reps in one set or break it up into smaller rep amounts, you cannot put the weight down until you hit 50 reps. Rest for 1 min and repeat again with the same weight.

Rope Tricep Extension

15 reps

3 sets

1 min

Drop Set. Start with 15 reps at your chosen weight that you wouldn't be able to perform any more than 15 at. Immediately decrease the weight and repeat until you are unable to get at least 6 reps. Focus on squeezing each rep for at least 1 second.