

Phase 2 Weeks 6-10

Day 1 Legs + Abs

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Notes

15 Reps

4 Sets

90 seconds

Alternative to free standing back squats, do

smith machine or machine assisted squats

20 Reps Each Leg

3 Sets

90 seconds

Bodyweight is an option if you don't feel comfortable

with a barbell

20 Reps + 20 Air Squats

3 Sets

45 Seconds

Leg extensions immediately followed by body weight squats

15 Reps

4 Sets

45 Seconds

Focus on hamstring stretch through the lowering phase

and glute squeeze at the top.

20 reps + 10 each leg walking lunges

3 Supersets

45 seconds

Leg press followed immediately by walking lunges,

use dumbbells or bodyweight

20 Reps

3 Sets

45 seconds

2 second pause at the top of each rep.

20 reps

3 Sets

45 seconds

Straight leg raises if possible,

Day 2 Shoulders + Arms + HIIT

Exercise Reps Sets Rest 15

12 Reps

4 Sets

45 Seconds

Focus on a full range of movement, pushing the bar from your

chest all the way over the top of your head

15 Reps On Each

4 Sets

45 Seconds

Strict form, minimse swinging.

15 Reps On Each

4 Sets

45 Seconds

Keep elbows strict to your side, focus on the muscle contraction

less emphasis on the weight and more on the squeeze

12 Reps On Each

4 Sets

45 seconds

Super set - 2 back to back exercises, rest after completing


Until Failure

3 Sets

45 Seconds

Complete as many as possible each set

Seated Bike HIIT

10 Minutes

30 Seconds FAST

30 Seconds SLOW


FAST - Aim for RPM Over 100

SLOW- Aim for between 60-70.

Resistance Level will vary depending on bike brand gym to gym.

Assess and find a moderate-high resistance

maintain the level you select for the full 10 minutes

Day 3 Legs + Abs  

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Notes

10 Reps

4 Sets

90 Seconds

Conventional or Sumo Stance

12 Reps Each Leg

4 Sets

45 Seconds

Back to back between legs, rest after each set.

12 Reps

4 Sets

45 Seconds

Control lowering portion of the movement foe 3 seconds down.

12 Reps each leg

4 Supersets

45 Seconds

* drop set = drop weight by 50% and complete another 12

reps after the first 12 reps of each set

12 Reps

4 Sets

45 Seconds

Last set complete as many reps as possible

As long as possible

3 Sets

30 seconds


As Long As Possible

3 Sets

10 seconds between swapping sides

30 seconds between sets


Day 4 Chest + Back

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Notes

20 Reps

3 Sets

60 seconds

Focus on keeping shoulder blades tight through the

contracting (squeeze) portion of the movement.

12 Reps

3 Sets

45 Seconds

Focus on 2 second squeeze at

the bottom of each rep

12 Reps

3 Sets

45 Seconds

Alternatively utilise dumbbells forthe same movement.

12 Reps

on each

3 Sets

45 Seconds

Back to Back Sets, Complete as many hex presses as

possible on last set

10 + 10


3 Sets

45 Seconds

Initial 10 reps overhand grip followed immediately by

10 reps with an underhand grip on the bar

Pull Ups

Push Ups


Until Failure

3 Sets

60 Seconds

Complete both exercises back to back. alternatives to

pull ups include assisted pull ups or trx rows

6 Minutes

20 seconds

10 Seconds

Maximum Intensity

Day 5 Full Body + HIIT

Exercise Reps Sets Rest 5

Circuit 1

Medicine Ball Slams

Kettlebell Swings


Medicine Ball Squats

20 Reps

5 Sets

90 Seconds

after each round

Complete each exercise back to back rest after each round.

Circuit 2

Dumbbell Overhead Press

Dumbbell Bent Over Row

Dumbbell Reverse Lunges

Push Ups

20 Reps

5 Sets

90 Seconds

after each round

Complete each exercise back to back rest after each round.

Circuit 3

Bicycle Crunches

Lying Leg Raises

Side Plank (each side)

Plank Hold

30 seconds on each


5 Sets

90 Seconds

after each round

Complete each exercise back to back rest after each round.

Seated Bike HIIT

Treadmill Sprints

30 seconds On

30 Seconds Off

10 Minutes


FAST - Aim for RPM Over 100

SLOW- Aim for between 60-70.

Resistance Level will vary depending on bike brand gym to gym.

Assess and find a moderate-high resistance

maintain the level you select for the full 10 minutes.

If you do treadmill sprints complete 30 seconds at max effort sprint followed by

30 seconds standing on the sides of the treadmill resting.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


Day 4

Day 5


5 Sessions + 3.5hrs of LISS or 2hrs of (HIIT/Circuits/Group Fitnes)
Minimum 12,000 daily steps