Nicecream: Healthy Ice Cream Alternative Recipes

Nicecream: Healthy Ice Cream Alternative Recipes

Chocolate/ Vanilla Protein Nice-cream:
Calories: 250 Calories, 26 protein, 32 Carbohydrates, 4 Fat

Nicecream: Healthy Ice Cream Alternative Recipes

½ large frozen banana
1 scoop of protein powder
3 TBSP cocoa powder
1 tsp Maca powder
4-5 tsps stevia
1/3 cup almond milk


Add all ingredients into a blender except for the water. Add tiny increments of water so your blender basically doesn’t explode, until the mixture blending through nice and smoothly. This may take a while and you may need to pulse and shake the mixture around a little.
Once blended together add chia seeds on-top and you have a healthy, low calorie, dairy free (if you use vegan based or dairy free protein) ice-cream!

To make into a vanilla ice-cream: swap the cocoa powder for 2 tsps of vanilla essence


Raspberry sorbet
Calories: 321 calories, 6 protein, 71 carbohydrates, 3 fat

Nicecream: Healthy Ice Cream Alternative Recipes

2-3 cup raspberries (depending on how big your blender is)
1 frozen banana
4 tsps stevia (or too your preference)
A lot of ice
Dash of almond milk


Add all ingredients into a blender adding little increments of water if needed. Place into a bowl and add your choice of toppings. If you want some more crunch I recommend cocoa nibs and sunflower seeds!

For a mango alternative: add 2 cups of mango instead of the raspberries
calories for mango alternative: 5 protein, 77 carbs, 3 fat

3 Ingredient Chocolate Nice-cream
Calories: 372 calories,  7 protein, 90 carb, 3 fat

Nicecream: Healthy Ice Cream Alternative Recipes

3 frozen bananas
Dark cocoa powder


Add all ingredients into a food processor (or a heavy duty blender as this recipe calls for no liquids added), blend until smooth. Add cocoa and stevia(start with a small amount as the bananas may already be sweet enough). Blend and you’re done! Its that easy 😊


Nicecream: Healthy Ice Cream Alternative Recipes

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